Wherein we examine the history of looms, their different forms and uses, and how to construct and warp a warp-weighted loom. Here are some articles that may be of interest:
Loom History
A Warped Version: Manipulating Roman Looms for Metaphorical Effect – Potamius of Lisbon’s Epistula de Substantia 5‑9
(2018) A Warped Version: Manipulating Roman Looms for Metaphorical Effect – Potamius of Lisbon’s Epistula de Substantia 5‑9, Humanitas 71(1), p. 51-70, doi:https://doi.org/10.14195/2183-1718_71_3
Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent
(2002) Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent, p. 399 + 144 pp., url
Looms for Linen
(1994) Looms for Linen, Laborativ Arkeologi 7, p. 75-77
Pattern and Loom
(2009) Pattern and Loom Second edi, p. 400, pdf
The Horizontal Loom at Novgorod
(1968) The Horizontal Loom at Novgorod, Medieval Archaeology 12, p. 146-147
Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners
(2014) Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners, p. 273 pp., pdf
When did weaving become a male profession?
(2016) When did weaving become a male profession?, Danish Journal of Archaeology 5(1-2), p. 34-51, Routledge, url, doi:10.1080/21662282.2016.1245970