Mendeley Organizational Page

Mendeley Folders, Grouped by General Topic

These are all of the research articles, gathered together by general topic, that I currently have in my Mendeley account. These folders are also located on the topic pages where they are relevant throughout this web site.

Follow this link to see my Fiber Arts Book Library

Historical Textile Production and Tools

Historical Textile Production

When did weaving become a male profession?

Ingvild Øye (2016) When did weaving become a male profession?, Danish Journal of Archaeology 5(1-2), p. 34-51, Routledge, url, doi:10.1080/21662282.2016.1245970

Unravelling the Fabric: Textile Production in Iron Age Transjordan

Jeannette H Boertien (2013) Unravelling the Fabric: Textile Production in Iron Age Transjordan(december), p. 365 pp.

Tradition, creativity and innovation – The development of textile expertise from the Bronze Age to the Hallstatt Period [Tradition, Kreativität und Innovation – Textiltechnologische Entwicklung von der Bronzezeit zur Hallstattzeit]

Karina Grömer (2013) Tradition, creativity and innovation – The development of textile expertise from the Bronze Age to the Hallstatt Period [Tradition, Kreativität und Innovation – Textiltechnologische Entwicklung von der Bronzezeit zur Hallstattzeit], Textiles from Hallstatt: Weaving Culture in Bronze Age and Iron Age Salt Mines [Textilien aus Hallstatt: Gewebte Kultur aus dem bronze- und eisenzeitlichen Salzbergwerk], Eerzébet Jerem, Wolfgang Meid (ed.), Budapest: Archaeolingua Alapítvány

Tracing textile cultures of Italy and Greece in the early first millennium BC

Margarita Gleba (2017) Tracing textile cultures of Italy and Greece in the early first millennium BC, Antiquity 91(359), p. 1205-1222, doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.144

The Development and Spread of Compound Weave Textiles with Particular Reference to Weft-Faced Compound Weave Textiles in Wool from Egypt

G. M. Vogelsang-Eastwood (1988) The Development and Spread of Compound Weave Textiles with Particular Reference to Weft-Faced Compound Weave Textiles in Wool from Egypt 4

Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Grace M. Crowfoot (1950) Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XLIV(December 1960), p. 26-32

Textile production and clothing.

Hero Granger-Taylor (2003) Textile production and clothing., Technology and tools in ancient Egypt. University College London, url

Textile Production in Prehistoric and Early Medieval Ireland: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Manchester Metropolitan University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Maria Amelia Fitzgerald (2000) Textile Production in Prehistoric and Early Medieval Ireland: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Manchester Metropolitan University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy I, p. 1-184

Textile Production at Tell ’ Abū al-Kharāz , Jordan Valley

Peter M Fischer (2009) Textile Production at Tell ’ Abū al-Kharāz , Jordan Valley, A Timeless Vale. Archaeological and Related Essays on the Jordan Valley in Honour of Gerrit van der Kooij on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Gerrit Van der Kooij (ed.), p. 109-117, Leiden: Leiden University Press

Spinning, Weaving and Textile Manufacture in Prehistoric Greece

Jill Carington Smith (1975) Spinning, Weaving and Textile Manufacture in Prehistoric Greece

Some Evidence for 12th- and 13th-Century Linen and Woollen Textile Processing

Mary C. Higham (1989) Some Evidence for 12th- and 13th-Century Linen and Woollen Textile Processing, Medieval Archaeology 33, p. 38-52

Mumienbinden – Goldfäden – Leinenstoffe

Karina Grömer (2012) Mumienbinden – Goldfäden – Leinenstoffe, Acta Carnuntina 2(1), p. 54-59, url

Historical and archaeological textiles: An insight on degradation products of wool and silk yarns

Ilaria Degano, Magdalena Biesaga, Maria Perla Colombini, Marek Trojanowicz (2011) Historical and archaeological textiles: An insight on degradation products of wool and silk yarns, Journal of Chromatography A 1218(34), p. 5837-5847, Elsevier B.V., url, doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.06.095

Herstellungsprozesse, Arbeitsabläufe und Produktionsstrukturen im eisenzeitlichen Textilhandwerk

Karina Grömer (2012) Herstellungsprozesse, Arbeitsabläufe und Produktionsstrukturen im eisenzeitlichen Textilhandwerk, Technologieentwicklung und -transfer in der Hallstatt- und Latènezeit, Anton Kern, Julia K Koch, Ines Balzer, Janin Fries-Knoblach, Kerstin Kowarik, Christiana Later, Peter C Ramsl, Peter Trebsche, Julian Wiethold (ed.), p. 57-70, Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran. Archäologische Fachliteratur

Estimating an Old Assyrian Household Textile Production with the Help of Experimental Archaeology: Feasibility and Limitations

Cecile Michel (2016) Estimating an Old Assyrian Household Textile Production with the Help of Experimental Archaeology: Feasibility and Limitations, Traditional Textile Craft - an Intangible Cultural Heritage(March), Camilla Elbert, Mary Harlow, Eva Andersson Strand (ed.), p. 1-4

En detalj i den gotländska mansdräkten under vikingatiden

Agnes Geijer, Holgar Arbman (1940) En detalj i den gotländska mansdräkten under vikingatiden, Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research, p. 145-154

Early medieval textile remains from settlements in the Netherlands. An evaluation of textile production

Chrystel R. Brandenburgh (2010) Early medieval textile remains from settlements in the Netherlands. An evaluation of textile production, Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries 2, p. 41-79

Clothes make the man : early medieval textiles from the Netherlands

Chrystel R. Brandenburgh (2016) Clothes make the man : early medieval textiles from the Netherlands, p. xiii + 291 pp., url

Cloth and Clothing from Cemeteries in Noricum

Karina Grömer, Eva Hölbling-Steigberger (2011) Cloth and Clothing from Cemeteries in Noricum, TRAC 2010 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Dragana Mladenović, Ben Russell (ed.), p. 102-114, Oxbow Books

Birka III: Die Textilfunde aus den Gräbern

Agnes Geijer (1938) Birka III: Die Textilfunde aus den Gräbern, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-Aktiebolag

Aspects of textile production in Iron Age Transjordan

Jeannette H (University of Groningen) Boertien (2012) Aspects of textile production in Iron Age Transjordan

A textile workshop from Roman times : the villa dels Antigons

Marta Prevosti (2013) A textile workshop from Roman times : the villa dels Antigons, Datatèxtil 28, p. 10-18

Loom History

When did weaving become a male profession?

Ingvild Øye (2016) When did weaving become a male profession?, Danish Journal of Archaeology 5(1-2), p. 34-51, Routledge, url, doi:10.1080/21662282.2016.1245970

Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners

Christina Petty (2014) Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners, p. 273 pp., pdf

The Horizontal Loom at Novgorod

M. W. Thompson (1968) The Horizontal Loom at Novgorod, Medieval Archaeology 12, p. 146-147

Pattern and Loom

John Becker, Donald Wagner (2009) Pattern and Loom Second edi, p. 400, pdf

Looms for Linen

Gertrud Grenander Nyberg (1994) Looms for Linen, Laborativ Arkeologi 7, p. 75-77

Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent

Susan Kay Harrington (2002) Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent, p. 399 + 144 pp., url

A Warped Version: Manipulating Roman Looms for Metaphorical Effect – Potamius of Lisbon’s Epistula de Substantia 5‑9

Magdalena Ohrman (2018) A Warped Version: Manipulating Roman Looms for Metaphorical Effect – Potamius of Lisbon’s Epistula de Substantia 5‑9, Humanitas 71(1), p. 51-70, doi:

Loom Weights & Warp Weighted Looms

Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms

H. Ling Roth (1913) Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms, p. 1-41, Halifax: F. King & Sons Ltd., Printers

Aspects of textile production in Iron Age Transjordan

Jeannette H (University of Groningen) Boertien (2012) Aspects of textile production in Iron Age Transjordan

From archaeological finds to high quality textile fabrics: new data from Herakleia, southern Basilicata, Italy

Francesco Meo (2014) From archaeological finds to high quality textile fabrics: new data from Herakleia, southern Basilicata, Italy, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3, p. 76-87, pdf

Notes on the statistical analysis of some loomweights from Pompeii

Mike J Baxter, Hilary E M Cool (2008) Notes on the statistical analysis of some loomweights from Pompeii, Archeologia e calcolatori 19, p. 239-256

Shape of things: Understanding a loom weight

Linda Mårtensson, Marie Louise Nosch, Eva Andersson Strand (2009) Shape of things: Understanding a loom weight, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28(4), p. 373-398, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0092.2009.00334.x

Statistical Analysis of Some Loomweights From Pompeii: A Postscript

Mike J Baxter, Hilary E M Cool, M. A. Anderson (2010) Statistical Analysis of Some Loomweights From Pompeii: A Postscript, Archeologia e calcolatori 21, p. 185-200

Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 3 Loom weights, 2007

Linda Mårtensson, Eva Andersson, Marie-louise Nosch, Anne Batzer (2006) Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 3 Loom weights, 2007, p. 1-17

Textile Production Tools from the Excavations at Caere, 2012 - 2014

Irina Malakhova (2015) Textile Production Tools from the Excavations at Caere, 2012 - 2014, p. vii + 86 pp., url

Textile Production at Tell ’ Abū al-Kharāz , Jordan Valley

Peter M Fischer (2009) Textile Production at Tell ’ Abū al-Kharāz , Jordan Valley, A Timeless Vale. Archaeological and Related Essays on the Jordan Valley in Honour of Gerrit van der Kooij on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Gerrit Van der Kooij (ed.), p. 109-117, Leiden: Leiden University Press

Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts Examination of spinning and weaving samples

Susan Möller-Wiering (2006) Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts Examination of spinning and weaving samples, Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts, p. 1-24

Unravelling the Fabric: Textile Production in Iron Age Transjordan

Jeannette H Boertien (2013) Unravelling the Fabric: Textile Production in Iron Age Transjordan(december), p. 365 pp.

Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners

Christina Petty (2014) Warp Weighted Looms: Then and Now Anglo-Saxon and Viking Archaeological Evidence and Modern Practitioners, p. 273 pp., pdf

Weaving relationships in areas of cultural contacts: production, use, and consumption of loom weights in pre-Roman Sicily

Alessandro Quercia, Lin Foxhall (2014) Weaving relationships in areas of cultural contacts: production, use, and consumption of loom weights in pre-Roman Sicily, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3, p. 88-101, pdf

Weighing the evidence: Determining and contrasting the characteristics and functionality of loom weights and spindle whorls from the Garrison at Birka

Ida Thorin (2012) Weighing the evidence: Determining and contrasting the characteristics and functionality of loom weights and spindle whorls from the Garrison at Birka, url

Textile Tools

Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent

Susan Kay Harrington (2002) Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent, p. 399 + 144 pp., url

Textile Production Tools From Viking Age Graves in Gotland, Sweden

Barbara K Klessig (2015) Textile Production Tools From Viking Age Graves in Gotland, Sweden, p. xii + 120 pp., url

The Early and Middle Bronze Age Textile Tools from the Aeolian Islands (Italy)

Katarzyna Żebrowska (2018) The Early and Middle Bronze Age Textile Tools from the Aeolian Islands (Italy), Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae 31(1), p. 12-23, url, doi:10.23858/fah31.2018.001

The Unwound Yarn. Birth and Development of Textile Tools Between Levant and Egypt

Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi (2018) The Unwound Yarn. Birth and Development of Textile Tools Between Levant and Egypt, Antichistica Studi orientali 18(8), url

Archaeology of York Publications

Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Anglo-Scandinavian York

A. J. Mainman, N. S. H. Rogers (2000) Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Anglo-Scandinavian York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(14), p. 2451-2672, Published for York Archaeological Trust by the Council for British Archaeology

Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Medieval York

Patrick Ottaway, Nicola Rogers (2002) Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Medieval York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(15), p. 2728, pdf

Textile Production at 16 – 22 Coppergate The Archaeology of York

Penelope. Walton Rogers (1997) Textile Production at 16 – 22 Coppergate The Archaeology of York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(11), p. AY17-11 correct p.1771.pdf, Published for the York Archaeological Trust by Council for British Archaeology

Textiles, cordage and raw fibre from 16-22 Coppergate

Penelope Walton (1989) Textiles, cordage and raw fibre from 16-22 Coppergate, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(5), p. 283-454

Period Clothing

Anglo-Saxon Clothing

Anglo-Saxon Costume: a Study of Secular, Civilian Clothing and Jewellery Fashions

Gale R. Owen (1976) Anglo-Saxon Costume: a Study of Secular, Civilian Clothing and Jewellery Fashions(October), p. xv + 865 pp., 42 pl., url

Anglo-Saxon Textiles in the Mayer / Faussett Collection

Elizabeth Coatsworth, Maria Fitzgerald (2001) Anglo-Saxon Textiles in the Mayer / Faussett Collection, Medieval Archaeology 45(1), p. 1-14, url

Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent

Susan Kay Harrington (2002) Aspects of Gender and Craft Production in Early Anglo-Saxon England, with Particular Reference to the Kingdom of Kent, p. 399 + 144 pp., url

Image and Performance, Agency and Ideology: Human Figurative Representation in Anglo-Saxon Funerary Art, AD 400–750

Lisa Mary Brundle (2014) Image and Performance, Agency and Ideology: Human Figurative Representation in Anglo-Saxon Funerary Art, AD 400–750, url

Late Saxon textiles from the City of London

Frances A Pritchard (1984) Late Saxon textiles from the City of London, Medieval Archaeology 28(1), p. 46-76

Part 1 Women's costume accessories

Penelope Walton Rogers (2014) Part 1 Women's costume accessories, Costume in the Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Saltwood, Kent, p. 37-71, doi:10.5284/1008823

Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Grace M. Crowfoot (1950) Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XLIV(December 1960), p. 26-32

Tyttel’s Halh: the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Tittleshall, Norfolk

Penelope Walton Rogers (2013) Tyttel’s Halh: the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Tittleshall, Norfolk, East Anglian Archaeology, p. xii + 127 pp., pdf

Medieval Clothing

Clothes and Domestic Textiles in the Community of Staple and its Environs: Constructing the Forgotten Fabrics of the Sixteenth Century Yeoman

Tamsyn Young (2013) Clothes and Domestic Textiles in the Community of Staple and its Environs: Constructing the Forgotten Fabrics of the Sixteenth Century Yeoman, p. xv + 178 pp.

Clothes make the man : early medieval textiles from the Netherlands

Chrystel R. Brandenburgh (2016) Clothes make the man : early medieval textiles from the Netherlands, p. xiii + 291 pp., url

Dress and ornament in early medieval Ireland— exploring the evidence

Maureen Doyle (2014) Dress and ornament in early medieval Ireland— exploring the evidence, Fragments of Lives Past: archaeological objects from Irish road schemes, Bernice Kelly, Niall Roycroft, Michael Stanley (ed.), p. 67-80, Dublin: National Roads Authority, url

Dvergar á öxlum-the oval brooches

Hilde Thunem (2019) Dvergar á öxlum-the oval brooches, pdf

Insular Dress in Early Medieval Ireland

Maria Fitzgerald (1997) Insular Dress in Early Medieval Ireland, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79(3), p. 251-262, url

Man buried in his everyday clothes – attire and social status in early modern Oulu

Sanna Lipkin, Tiina Kuokkanen (2014) Man buried in his everyday clothes – attire and social status in early modern Oulu, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3(-), p. 40-53, pdf

Mantel och kjortel i vikingatidens dräkt

Inga Hägg (1971) Mantel och kjortel i vikingatidens dräkt, Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research, p. 141-153

Nye tanker om Skjoldehamnfunnet [New thoughts about Skjoldehamn found]

Dan Halvard Løvlid (2009) Nye tanker om Skjoldehamnfunnet [New thoughts about Skjoldehamn found], p. 1-208

The Högom Find and other Migration Period Textiles and Costumes in Scandinavia

Margareta Nockert (1991) The Högom Find and other Migration Period Textiles and Costumes in Scandinavia, p. 1-158

“Ena silkes tröya” – clothing bequests in Finnish medieval wills

Piia Lempiäinen (2014) “Ena silkes tröya” – clothing bequests in Finnish medieval wills, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3, p. 26-39, pdf

Flax & Bast Fibers

Flax & Bast Fibers

30,000 Years Old Wild Flax Fibers - Brevia

Eliso Kvavadze, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Anna Belfer-Cohen, Elisabetta Boaretto, Nino Jakeli, Zinovi Matskevich, Tengiz Meshveliani (2009) 30,000 Years Old Wild Flax Fibers - Brevia, Science 325(5946), p. 1359, doi:10.1126/science.1175404

A Review Paper on Textile Fiber Identification

Prof. Dr.Engr Ayub Nabi Khan, Nafis Abir, Mohammad Abu Nasir Rakib, E.M Saberin Bhuiyan, Md.Ramij Howlader (2017) A Review Paper on Textile Fiber Identification, IOSR Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering 04(02), p. 14-20, doi:10.9790/019x-04021420

A procedure for identifying textile bast fibres using microscopy: Flax, nettle/ramie, hemp and jute

Christian Bergfjord, Bodil Holst (2010) A procedure for identifying textile bast fibres using microscopy: Flax, nettle/ramie, hemp and jute, Ultramicroscopy 110(9), p. 1192-1197, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.04.014

A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 2 - Composites

John Summerscales, Nilmini Dissanayake, Amandeep Virk, Wayne Hall (2010) A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 2 - Composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 41(10), p. 1336-1344, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2010.05.020

Application of fungal complexes to improve flax dew-retting.

J Repečkienė, Z Jankauskienė (2009) Application of fungal complexes to improve flax dew-retting., Vagos 83(83), p. 63-71, url

Assessment of biological remains from excavations at a site to the rear of 26 Market Place, Bedale, North Yorkshire (site code: BED03)

John Carrott, Benjamin R Gearey, Allan Hall, Deborah Jaques, Kathryn Johnson, K Tracey Yates (2004) Assessment of biological remains from excavations at a site to the rear of 26 Market Place, Bedale, North Yorkshire (site code: BED03), Palaeoecology Research Services: PRS 11(March)

Between flax and fabric: Cultivation and processing of flax in a mediaeval peat reclamation settlement near midwoud (Prov. Noord Holland)

J. P. Pals, M. C. van Dierendonck (1988) Between flax and fabric: Cultivation and processing of flax in a mediaeval peat reclamation settlement near midwoud (Prov. Noord Holland), Journal of Archaeological Science 15(3), p. 237-251, doi:10.1016/0305-4403(88)90065-9

Comment on "30,000-year-old wild flax fibers"

Christian Bergfjord, Sabine Karg, Antoinette Rast-Eicher, Marie-Louise Nosch, Ulla Mannering, Robin G Allaby, Bridget M. Murphy, Bodil Holst (2010) Comment on "30,000-year-old wild flax fibers", Science 328(5986), p. 1-3, doi:10.1126/science.1186345

Cultivation and processing of Linum usitatissimum and Camelina sativa in southern Scandinavia during the Roman Iron Age

Mikael Larsson (2013) Cultivation and processing of Linum usitatissimum and Camelina sativa in southern Scandinavia during the Roman Iron Age, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22(6), p. 509-520, url, doi:10.1007/s00334-013-0413-3

Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitive and behavioral implications

B. L. Hardy, M. H. Moncel, C. Kerfant, M. Lebon, L. Bellot-Gurlet, N. Mélard (2020) Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitive and behavioral implications, Scientific Reports 10(1), p. 2-10, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-61839-w

Egyptian textiles and their production: ‘word’ and ‘object’

Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert (ed.) (2020) Egyptian textiles and their production: ‘word’ and ‘object’, p. 12 papers, 154 pages, Lincoln, Nebraska: Zea Books: Zea E-Books Collection. 86., url

Evidence for linseed cultivation before 6000 bc

University of Groningen) van Zeist, W. (Institute for Biological Archaeology, University of Groningen) Bakker-Heeres, J.A.H. (Institute for Biological Archaeology (1975) Evidence for linseed cultivation before 6000 bc, Journal of Archaeological Science 2(3), p. 215-219, doi:

Evidence of the domestication history of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) from genetic diversity of the sad2 locus

Robin G Allaby, Gregory W Peterson, David Andrew Merriwether, Yong-Bi Fu (2005) Evidence of the domestication history of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) from genetic diversity of the sad2 locus, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112(1), p. 58-65, url, doi:10.1007/s00122-005-0103-3

Evolution of the ultrastructure and polysaccharide composition of flax fibres over time: When history meets science

Alessia Melelli, Frédéric Jamme, Johnny Beaugrand, Alain Bourmaud (2022) Evolution of the ultrastructure and polysaccharide composition of flax fibres over time: When history meets science, Carbohydrate Polymers 291(January), p. 119584, doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119584

Factors of selection and quality of wood used for woodcraft in medieval Polish strongholds and early urban centres

Katarzyna Cywa, Agnieszka Wacnik, Maria Lityńska-Zajac (2018) Factors of selection and quality of wood used for woodcraft in medieval Polish strongholds and early urban centres, Acta Palaeobotanica 58(2), p. 231-287, doi:10.2478/acpa-2018-0013

Fascinating Fullonum

Michael L. Ryder (1994) Fascinating Fullonum, Circaea, The Journal of the Association for Environmental Archaeology 11(1), p. 23-31

Fibres of Linum (flax), Gossypium (cotton) and animal wool as non-pollen palynomorphs in the late Bronze Age burials of Saphar-Kharaba, southern Georgia

Eliso Kvavadze, Goderdzi Narimanishvili, Liana Bitadze (2010) Fibres of Linum (flax), Gossypium (cotton) and animal wool as non-pollen palynomorphs in the late Bronze Age burials of Saphar-Kharaba, southern Georgia, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19(5), p. 479-494, doi:10.1007/s00334-010-0270-2

Flachsanbau und Textil- herstellung in neolithischen Feuchtbodensiedlungen Südwestdeutschlands [Flax Cultivation and Textile Production in Neolithic Wetland Settlements in South-West Germany]

Ursula Maier (2013) Flachsanbau und Textil- herstellung in neolithischen Feuchtbodensiedlungen Südwestdeutschlands [Flax Cultivation and Textile Production in Neolithic Wetland Settlements in South-West Germany], NESAT XI: The North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles XI, 10-13 May 2011 in Esslingen am Neckar, Johanna Banck-Burgess, Carla Nübold (ed.), p. Poster session 15, Rahden, Westfalen: VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf

Flax Fibre Extraction Techniques in the Late Middle Ages

Martina König (2020) Flax Fibre Extraction Techniques in the Late Middle Ages, EXARC Journal 2020(2), p. 1-11, url

Flax Growing in late antique Egypt: evidence from the Aphrodito papyri

Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello (2020) Flax Growing in late antique Egypt: evidence from the Aphrodito papyri, Egyptian textiles and their production: ‘word’ and ‘object’ (Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods), Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert (ed.), p. 107-115, Lincoln, NE: Zea Books, url

Flax and Linen Terminology in Talmudic Literature

Nahum Ben-Yehuda (2017) Flax and Linen Terminology in Talmudic Literature, Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD, Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, Marie-Louise Nosch (ed.), p. 122-152, Lincoln, NE: Zea Books, doi:10.13014/k2vm49f3

Flax cultivation and textile production in Neolithic wetland settlements on Lake Constance and in Upper Swabia (south-west Germany)

Ursula Maier, Helmut Schlichtherle (2011) Flax cultivation and textile production in Neolithic wetland settlements on Lake Constance and in Upper Swabia (south-west Germany), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20(6), p. 567-578, url, doi:10.1007/s00334-011-0300-8

Flax fibre : Innovation and Change in the Early Neolithic A Technological and Material Perspective

Susanna Harris (2014) Flax fibre : Innovation and Change in the Early Neolithic A Technological and Material Perspective, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, p. 1-10, url

Flax for oil or fibre? Morphometric analysis of flax seeds and new aspects of flax cultivation in Late Neolithic wetland settlements in southwest Germany

Christoph Herbig, Ursula Maier (2011) Flax for oil or fibre? Morphometric analysis of flax seeds and new aspects of flax cultivation in Late Neolithic wetland settlements in southwest Germany, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20(6), p. 527-533, doi:10.1007/s00334-011-0289-z

Flax in Croatia: Traditional production methods, the use and care of linen in folk costumes and implications for museum conservation

Pippa Cruickshank (2011) Flax in Croatia: Traditional production methods, the use and care of linen in folk costumes and implications for museum conservation, Textile History 42(2), p. 239-260, doi:10.1179/174329511X13123634653983

Flax in Sweden: The archaeobotanical, archaeological and historical evidence

Karin Viklund (2011) Flax in Sweden: The archaeobotanical, archaeological and historical evidence, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20(6), p. 509-515, doi:10.1007/s00334-011-0325-z

Flax latitudinal adaptation at LuTFL1 altered architecture and promoted fiber production

Rafal M. Gutaker, Maricris Zaidem, Yong Bi Fu, Axel Diederichsen, Oliver Smith, Roselyn Ware, Robin G. Allaby (2018) Flax latitudinal adaptation at LuTFL1 altered architecture and promoted fiber production, Scientific Reports 9(1), p. 1-12, Nature Publishing Group, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-37086-5

Flax look-alikes: Pitfalls of ancient plant fibre identification

E. Haugan, B. Holst (2014) Flax look-alikes: Pitfalls of ancient plant fibre identification, Archaeometry 56(6), p. 951-960, doi:10.1111/arcm.12054

Flax processing in the Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlements of eastern Switzerland

Ursula Leuzinger, Antoinette Rast-Eicher (2011) Flax processing in the Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlements of eastern Switzerland, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20(6), p. 535-542, doi:10.1007/s00334-011-0286-2

Flax seeds from Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling sites in Europe

Sabine Karg (2022) Flax seeds from Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling sites in Europe, Prahistorische Zeitschrift 97(1), p. 90-109, url, doi:10.1515/pz-2022-2036

Flax-growing in Orkney from the Norse period to the 18h century

J. M. Bond, J. R. Hunter (1987) Flax-growing in Orkney from the Norse period to the 18h century, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 117, p. 175-81

From Flax to Linen: Experiments with flax at Ribe Viking Centre

Bo Ejstrud, Stina Andresen, Amanda Appel, Sara Gjerlevsen, Birgit Thomsen (2011) From Flax to Linen: Experiments with flax at Ribe Viking Centre, Bo Ejstrud (ed.), p. 1-86, Esbjerg: Ribe Viking Centre & University of Southern Denmark, pdf

Genetic diversity of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and its wild progenitor pale flax (Linum bienne Mill.) as revealed by ISSR markers

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Tablet-woven Ribbons from the prehistoric Salt-mines at Hallstatt, Austria – results of some experiments

Karina Gromer (2005) Tablet-woven Ribbons from the prehistoric Salt-mines at Hallstatt, Austria – results of some experiments, Hallstatt Textiles: Technical Analysis, Scientific Investigation and Experiment on Iron Age Textiles, p. 81-90, doi:10.1002/ejoc.201200111

Tablet-woven and Tabby-woven Braids from the Czech Late Medieval Archaeological Findings

Helená Brezinova (2010) Tablet-woven and Tabby-woven Braids from the Czech Late Medieval Archaeological Findings, Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae 23, p. 47-51, url

Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Grace M. Crowfoot (1950) Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XLIV(December 1960), p. 26-32

Unit Turning Blocks For Designing Tablet Weavings

Bonita R Datta (1998) Unit Turning Blocks For Designing Tablet Weavings, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, url

Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar: en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar (Eng: Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde: a technical description and

Karolina Pallin (2019) Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar: en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar (Eng: Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde: a technical description and, p. 43 + 22 + 6, url, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31566.00320

Historical Textile Analysis

Altrier (LUX): A fresh look at the textiles

Antoinette Rast-Eicher, Ina Vanden Berghe (2015) Altrier (LUX): A fresh look at the textiles, Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era -- NESAT XII Archaeolin, Karina Grömer, Frances Pritchard (ed.), p. 117-123, Budapest: Archaeolingua Alapítvány

Analysis of the Oldest Wool Fabric Found in Europe

Stana Kovacevic, Gordana Car (2014) Analysis of the Oldest Wool Fabric Found in Europe, Fibres & Textiles in Eastrn Europe 22(5), p. 49-53

Ancient textiles – recent knowledge : a multidisciplinary research project on textile fragments from the prehistoric salt mine of Hallstatt

Regina Hofmann-de Keijzer, Anna Hartl, Maarten R van Bommel, Ineke Joosten, Hans Reschreiter, Karina Grömer, Helga Mautendorfer, Michaela Morelli (2005) Ancient textiles – recent knowledge : a multidisciplinary research project on textile fragments from the prehistoric salt mine of Hallstatt, ICOM Committee for Conservation, 14TH Triennial Meeting, The Hague, Preprints II, p. 920-926

Assessing the potential of historic archaeological collections: a pilot study of the British Museum’s Swiss lake dwelling textiles

Catherine Higgitt, Susanna Harris, Caroline Cartwright, Pippa Cruickshank (2011) Assessing the potential of historic archaeological collections: a pilot study of the British Museum’s Swiss lake dwelling textiles, Technical Research Bulletin British Museum 5, p. 81-94

At the Crossroads of Textile Cultures: Textile Production and Use at the South Italian Archaic Site of Ripacandida

Margarita Gleba, Christian Heitz, Hedvig Landenius Enegren, Francesco Meo (2018) At the Crossroads of Textile Cultures: Textile Production and Use at the South Italian Archaic Site of Ripacandida, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 31(1), p. 27-51, url

Birkas orientaliska praktplagg

I. Hägg (1983) Birkas orientaliska praktplagg, Fornvännen 78(Geijer 1938), p. 204-23

Bronze Age textiles found in Crete

Susan Möller-wiering (2006) Bronze Age textiles found in Crete, Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts, p. 1-6

Current techniques of ancient textile analysis: a critical review

Phillippa Anne Henry (1994) Current techniques of ancient textile analysis: a critical review, p. xii + 224 pp, url

Finnish shipwreck textiles from the 13th – 18th centuries AD

Krista Vajanto (2014) Finnish shipwreck textiles from the 13th – 18th centuries AD, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3(Map 9), p. 116-131, pdf

Late Saxon textiles from the City of London

Frances A Pritchard (1984) Late Saxon textiles from the City of London, Medieval Archaeology 28(1), p. 46-76

North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X

Eva Andersson Strand, Margarita Gleba, Ulla Mannering, Cherine Munkholt, Maj Ringgaard (2010) North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X, Archeologické rozhledy 48(3), p. 523, url

Out of the Norwegian glaciers: Lendbreen - A tunic from the early first millennium AD

Marianne Vedeler, Lise Bender Jørgensen (2013) Out of the Norwegian glaciers: Lendbreen - A tunic from the early first millennium AD, Antiquity 87(337), p. 788-801, doi:10.1017/S0003598X00049462

Technology Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian

Lynn White (1974) Technology Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 6, p. 359-369

Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)

Carmen Alfaro Giner (2012) Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria), Paléorient 38(1), p. 41-54, doi:10.3406/paleo.2012.5457

The Archaeology of Textiles — Recent advances and new methods Arheologija tekstila — Suvremena dostignuća i novije metode

Lise Bender Jørgensen, Karina Grömer (2012) The Archaeology of Textiles — Recent advances and new methods Arheologija tekstila — Suvremena dostignuća i novije metode, Portal: Godišnjak Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda 3, p. 91-112

The Cap of St Birgitta of Sweden : research and conservation of medieval reliquary

Mira Karttila (2014) The Cap of St Birgitta of Sweden : research and conservation of medieval reliquary, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3, p. 10-25, pdf

The textile chaîne opératoire: Using a multidisciplinary approach to textile archaeology with a focus on the Ancient Near East

Eva Birgitta Andersson Strand (2012) The textile chaîne opératoire: Using a multidisciplinary approach to textile archaeology with a focus on the Ancient Near East, Paléorient 38(1-2), p. 21-40, url, doi:10.3406/paleo.2012.5456

Viking and early middle ages northern scandinavian textiles proven to be made with hemp

G. Skoglund, M. Nockert, B. Holst (2013) Viking and early middle ages northern scandinavian textiles proven to be made with hemp, Scientific Reports 3, p. 1-6, doi:10.1038/srep02686

Medieval Textiles

"Semiotics of the Cloth": Reading Medieval Norse Textile Traditions

Kristen Marie Tibbs (2012) "Semiotics of the Cloth": Reading Medieval Norse Textile Traditions, p. iv + 1-85, url

Archaeological Textiles: A Review of Current Research

Irene Good (2001) Archaeological Textiles: A Review of Current Research, Annual Review of Anthropology 30, p. 209-226, doi:10.1007/s13165-014-0090-2

Creating A Protocol For Reconstructing Weaving Technologies : Early Compound Non-Silk Fabrics Found In Egypt

M. M. El-Homossani (1988) Creating A Protocol For Reconstructing Weaving Technologies : Early Compound Non-Silk Fabrics Found In Egypt, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, p. 26-39

Finnish shipwreck textiles from the 13th – 18th centuries AD

Krista Vajanto (2014) Finnish shipwreck textiles from the 13th – 18th centuries AD, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 3(Map 9), p. 116-131, pdf

Haberget: a medieval textile conundrum

Eleanora Carus-Wilson (1969) Haberget: a medieval textile conundrum, Medieval Archaeology 13, p. 148-166

News on the geographical origin of the Gerum cloak’s raw material

Karin Margarita Frei (2009) News on the geographical origin of the Gerum cloak’s raw material, Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research 104(4), p. 313-315, url

Report on the Textiles from Burgos Cathedral in Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real Madrid, Spain

Camilla Luise Dahl, Marianne Vedeler, Concha Herrero Carretero (2008) Report on the Textiles from Burgos Cathedral in Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real Madrid, Spain, Tekstiler på Middelaldercentret, p. 37

Senmedeltida textiler i S. Råda kyrka i Värmland. [Late-fashioned textiles in S. Råda church in Värmland]

Vivi Sylwan (1924) Senmedeltida textiler i S. Råda kyrka i Värmland. [Late-fashioned textiles in S. Råda church in Värmland], Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research(1), p. 175-203

Spätantike Textilien in Österreich: Ein Vorbericht zu den Analysen im Rahmen des EU-Projektes DressID

Karina Grömer (2012) Spätantike Textilien in Österreich: Ein Vorbericht zu den Analysen im Rahmen des EU-Projektes DressID, Akten des 13. Österrechischen Archäologentages: Klassische und Frühägäische Archäologie, Claus Reinholdt, Wolfgang Wohlmayr (ed.), p. 403-412, Wien: Phoibos Verlag

Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Grace M. Crowfoot (1950) Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XLIV(December 1960), p. 26-32

The Silk Road Textiles at Birka : An Examination of the Tabletwoven Bands

Cathy Ostrom Peters (2002) The Silk Road Textiles at Birka : An Examination of the Tabletwoven Bands, Silk Roads, Other Roads: Proceeding of the 8th Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, Inc., p. 16-26, Earleville, MD: Omnipress

Usage and Meaning of Early Medieval Textiles. A Structural Analysis of Vestimentary Systems in Francia and Anglo-Saxon England

Olga Magoula (2008) Usage and Meaning of Early Medieval Textiles. A Structural Analysis of Vestimentary Systems in Francia and Anglo-Saxon England(October), p. 1-325, 1-371

Woven Into the Earth: Textiles from Norse Greenland

Else Østergård (2004) Woven Into the Earth: Textiles from Norse Greenland, p. 296, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, url

Fiber Arts Hobbies

Natural Dyes & Dyeing

Ageing of brazilwood dye in wool - A chromatographic and spectrometric study

Ana Manhita, Vanda Santos, Helena Vargas, António Candeias, Teresa Ferreira, Cristina Barrocas Dias (2013) Ageing of brazilwood dye in wool - A chromatographic and spectrometric study, Journal of Cultural Heritage 14(6), p. 471-479, Elsevier Masson SAS, url, doi:10.1016/j.culher.2012.10.016

Biochemical Studies in Several Dye Yielding Plants

Joylani D Saikhom, Jekendra S Salam, Kumar S Potshangbam, Manabendra D Choudhury, Haripriya D Maibam (2013) Biochemical Studies in Several Dye Yielding Plants, Notulae Scientia Biologicae 5(3), p. 303-308

Development of mild extraction methods for the analysis of natural dyes in textiles of historical interest using LC-diode array detector-MS

X. Zhang, R. A. Laursen (2005) Development of mild extraction methods for the analysis of natural dyes in textiles of historical interest using LC-diode array detector-MS, Analytical Chemistry 77(7), p. 2022-2025, doi:10.1021/ac048380k

Downstream Processing of Natural Products : Carminic Acid Downstream Processing of Natural Products : Carminic Acid

Rosa Beatriz Cabrera (2005) Downstream Processing of Natural Products : Carminic Acid Downstream Processing of Natural Products : Carminic Acid(May), p. xiv + 108 pages, url

Dyes of the Viking Age: a Summary of Recent Work

Penelope Walton (1988) Dyes of the Viking Age: a Summary of Recent Work, Dyes in History and Archaeology 7, p. 14-20

Fibre analysis of Late Iron Age, Early Medieval and modern Finnish wools

Krista Vajanto (2013) Fibre analysis of Late Iron Age, Early Medieval and modern Finnish wools, Fennoscandia Archaeologica 30, p. 81-94

History of Dyes Used in Different Historical Periods of Egypt

Omar Abdel-Kareem (2012) History of Dyes Used in Different Historical Periods of Egypt, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 16(4), p. 79-92, url, doi:10.1108/RJTA-16-04-2012-B009

Identification of dye on Middle Saxon pottery from Christ Church College

Penelope Walton Rogers (1999) Identification of dye on Middle Saxon pottery from Christ Church College, Canterbury's Archaeology 1996-1997 (21st Annual Report of Canterbury Archaeological Trust), p. 36

Natural Pigments: Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, and Betalains — Characteristics, Biosynthesis, Processing, and Stability

F. Delgado-Vargas, A. R. Jiménez, O. Paredes-López (2000) Natural Pigments: Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, and Betalains — Characteristics, Biosynthesis, Processing, and Stability, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 40(3), p. 173–289

Organic dyes in illuminated manuscripts: A unique cultural and historic record

Maria João Melo, Paula Nabais, Maria Guimarães, Rita Araújo, Rita Castro, Maria Conceição Oliveira, Isabella Whitworth (2016) Organic dyes in illuminated manuscripts: A unique cultural and historic record, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, doi:10.1098/rsta.2016.0050

Reconstructing the Dyeing Industry of Pompeii through Experimental Archaeology: the challenges and rewards of a new approach

Heather Hopkins (2013) Reconstructing the Dyeing Industry of Pompeii through Experimental Archaeology: the challenges and rewards of a new approach, Ancient Textiles, Modern Science, Heather Hopkins (ed.), p. 119-133, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books

The chemical pigments of plants

Joy Alkema, Spencer L. Seager (1982) The chemical pigments of plants, Journal of Chemical Education 59(3), p. 183-186, url, doi:10.1021/ed059p183

The chemistry of plant and animal dyes

Margareta Sequin-Frey (1981) The chemistry of plant and animal dyes, Journal of Chemical Education 58(4), p. 301, url, doi:10.1021/ed058p301

Hand Spindles & Spinning

An exploration of prehistoric spinning technology: Spinning efficiency and technology transition

E. J. Tiedemann, K. A. Jakes (2006) An exploration of prehistoric spinning technology: Spinning efficiency and technology transition, Archaeometry, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2006.00257.x

Anglo-Norman and middle English terminology for spindle whorls

William Sayers (2008) Anglo-Norman and middle English terminology for spindle whorls, ANQ - Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews 21(4), p. 7-11, doi:10.3200/ANQQ.21.4.7-11

Methods of handspinning in Egypt and Sudan

Grace M. Crowfoot (1931) Methods of handspinning in Egypt and Sudan, p. 1-51, Halifax: F. King & Sons Ltd., Printers

On early metallurgy and textile-production technologies in the southern Levant: a response to Langgut et al. (2016)

Erez Ben-Yosef, Orit Shamir, Janet Levy (2017) On early metallurgy and textile-production technologies in the southern Levant: a response to Langgut et al. (2016), Antiquity 91(357), p. 765-776, doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.27

Spinning Yarns: The Archaeological Evidence for Hand Spinning and its Social Implications, c ad 1200–1500

Eleanor R. Standley (2016) Spinning Yarns: The Archaeological Evidence for Hand Spinning and its Social Implications, c ad 1200–1500, Medieval Archaeology 60(2), p. 266-299, url, doi:10.1080/00766097.2016.1221264

Spinning in the past and the present

Linda Olofsson (2014) Spinning in the past and the present, Traditional Textile Craft – An intangible Heritage?(March), p. 1-13

Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 1 Spinning Wool, 2005-2006

Linda Mårtensson, Eva Andersson, Marie-louise Nosch, Anne Batzer (2006) Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 1 Spinning Wool, 2005-2006

Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 2-1 Spinning Flax, 2006

Linda Mårtensson, Eva Andersson, Marie-louise Nosch, Anne Batzer (2006) Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 2-1 Spinning Flax, 2006, p. 18 pp.

Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 2-2 Whorl or Bead, 2006

Linda Mårtensson, Eva Andersson, Marie-louise Nosch, Anne Batzer (2006) Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 2-2 Whorl or Bead, 2006

Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 4 Spools, 2007

Linda Mårtensson, Eva Andersson, Marie-louise Nosch, Anne Batzer (2007) Technical Report Experimental Archaeology Part 4 Spools, 2007, p. 1-16

Textile Production Tools from the Excavations at Caere, 2012 - 2014

Irina Malakhova (2015) Textile Production Tools from the Excavations at Caere, 2012 - 2014, p. vii + 86 pp., url

The earliest Near Eastern wooden spinning implements

Dafna Langgut, Naama Yahalom-mack, Simcha Lev-yadun, Eitan Kremer, Micka Ullman, Uri Davidovich (2016) The earliest Near Eastern wooden spinning implements, Antiquity 90(352), p. 973-990, url, doi:10.15184/aqy.2016.99

Dafna Langgut, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Simcha Lev-Yadun, Eitan Kremer, Micka Ullman, Uri Davidovich (2016) The earliest Near Eastern wooden spinning implements, Antiquity 90(352), p. 973-990, doi:10.15184/aqy.2016.99

Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts Examination of spinning and weaving samples

Susan Möller-Wiering (2006) Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts Examination of spinning and weaving samples, Tools and Textiles - Texts and Contexts, p. 1-24

Weighing the evidence: Determining and contrasting the characteristics and functionality of loom weights and spindle whorls from the Garrison at Birka

Ida Thorin (2012) Weighing the evidence: Determining and contrasting the characteristics and functionality of loom weights and spindle whorls from the Garrison at Birka, url

Tablet Weaving & Bands

"Scutulis Dividere Gallia": Weaving on Tablets in Western Europe

Carolyn Priest-Dorman (1998) "Scutulis Dividere Gallia": Weaving on Tablets in Western Europe, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, p. 51-60, url

A silk band from Erik Klippings grave

Lise Ræder Knudsen (2006) A silk band from Erik Klippings grave, Viborg Bogen, url

Brickbandet som kulturobjekt. Några iakttagelser och deras resultat.

Vivi Sylwan (1926) Brickbandet som kulturobjekt. Några iakttagelser och deras resultat., Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research 21, p. 231-244

Discovery of a new tablet weaving technique from the Iron Age

Lise Raeder Knudsen, Karina Grömer (2012) Discovery of a new tablet weaving technique from the Iron Age, Archaeological Textiles Review 54(54), p. 92-97

Early Anglo-Saxon Gold Braids

Elisabeth Crowfoot, Sonia C. Hawkes (1967) Early Anglo-Saxon Gold Braids, Medieval Archaeology 11(2), p. 42-86

Early Anglo-Saxon gold braids: Addenda and corrigenda

Elisabeth Crowfoot (1971) Early Anglo-Saxon gold braids: Addenda and corrigenda, Medieval Archaeology 13(951), p. 209-210

Et silkebånd fra Erik Klippings grav

Lise Ræder Knudsen (2006) Et silkebånd fra Erik Klippings grav, Viborg Bogen, p. 64-72

Gotländska brickband från vikingatiden

Margareta Nockert, Lise Ræder Knudsen (1996) Gotländska brickband från vikingatiden, Gotlandsk-Arkiv, p. 41-46, pdf

Margareta Nockert, Lise Ræder Knudsen (1996) Gotländska brickband från vikingatiden, Gotländskt Arkiv, p. 41-46, pdf

Hallstatt Textil 136/1

Aisling (2023) Hallstatt Textil 136/1,, url

Några medeltida band.

Agnes Geijer (1928) Några medeltida band., Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research, p. 1-14

Om brickband. Ett bidrag till överhogdals - och Skogstapeternas teknikhistoria.

Vivi Sylwan (1921) Om brickband. Ett bidrag till överhogdals - och Skogstapeternas teknikhistoria., Fornvännen: Journal of the Swedish Antiquarian Research 16, p. 211-235

Reproducing colourful woven bands from the Iron Age salt mine of Hallstatt in Austria: An interdisciplinary approach to acquire knowledge of prehistoric dyeing technology

Anna Hartl, Maarten R. van Bommel, Ineke Joosten, Regina Hofmann-de Keijzer, Karina Grömer, Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer, Hans Reschreiter (2015) Reproducing colourful woven bands from the Iron Age salt mine of Hallstatt in Austria: An interdisciplinary approach to acquire knowledge of prehistoric dyeing technology, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2, p. 569-595, url

Ribbons Around the Silk Road---Before Silk (Toward a Pre-History of Band Weaving)

Elizabeth J.W. Barber (2002) Ribbons Around the Silk Road---Before Silk (Toward a Pre-History of Band Weaving), Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, p. 27-32, url

Tablet-woven Ribbons from the prehistoric Salt-mines at Hallstatt, Austria – results of some experiments

Karina Gromer (2005) Tablet-woven Ribbons from the prehistoric Salt-mines at Hallstatt, Austria – results of some experiments, Hallstatt Textiles: Technical Analysis, Scientific Investigation and Experiment on Iron Age Textiles, p. 81-90, doi:10.1002/ejoc.201200111

Tablet-woven and Tabby-woven Braids from the Czech Late Medieval Archaeological Findings

Helená Brezinova (2010) Tablet-woven and Tabby-woven Braids from the Czech Late Medieval Archaeological Findings, Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae 23, p. 47-51, url

Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Grace M. Crowfoot (1950) Textiles of the Saxon Period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XLIV(December 1960), p. 26-32

Unit Turning Blocks For Designing Tablet Weavings

Bonita R Datta (1998) Unit Turning Blocks For Designing Tablet Weavings, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, url

Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar: en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar (Eng: Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde: a technical description and

Karolina Pallin (2019) Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar: en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar (Eng: Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde: a technical description and, p. 43 + 22 + 6, url, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31566.00320

Weaving – Modern

Introduction: Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves

Alex McLean, Ellen Harlizius-Klück, Janis Jefferies (2017) Introduction: Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves, Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 15(2), p. 118-123, Routledge, url, doi:10.1080/14759756.2017.1298232

The Investigation of Hand Woven Products and Motifs in the Sultanate of Oman in Order To Rejuvenate a Local Market

Zahra A Al-zadjali (2009) The Investigation of Hand Woven Products and Motifs in the Sultanate of Oman in Order To Rejuvenate a Local Market(November), p. viii + 202 pp.

Prehistoric Weaving and Textiles

Archaeological Skin Textiles

Species identification of archaeological skin objects from danish bogs: Comparison between mass spectrometry-based peptide sequencing and microscopy-based methods

Luise Ørsted Brandt, Anne Lisbeth Schmidt, Ulla Mannering, Mathilde Sarret, Christian D. Kelstrup, Jesper V. Olsen, Enrico Cappellini (2014) Species identification of archaeological skin objects from danish bogs: Comparison between mass spectrometry-based peptide sequencing and microscopy-based methods, PLoS ONE 9(9), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106875

Prehistoric Textiles

Austria: Bronze and Iron Ages

Karina Grömer (2012) Austria: Bronze and Iron Ages, Textiles and Textile Production in Europe: From Prehistory to AD 400, Margarita Gleba, Ulla Mannering (ed.), p. 27-64, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Press

Bronze age textiles from the North Caucasus: New evidence of fourth millennium BC fibres and fabrics

N. I. Shishlina, O. V. Orfinskaya, V. P. Golikov (2003) Bronze age textiles from the North Caucasus: New evidence of fourth millennium BC fibres and fabrics, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 22(4), p. 331–344, doi:10.1046/j.1468-0092.2003.00191.x

Cloth Cultures in Prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt

Susanna Harris, Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer, Karina Grömer, Hans Reschreiter (2008) Cloth Cultures in Prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt, Archaeology International 12, p. 22-26

Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic Square-mouthed Pottery culture of northern Italy (c.4900–4250 BC) with special reference to basketry

Susanna Harris (2013) Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic Square-mouthed Pottery culture of northern Italy (c.4900–4250 BC) with special reference to basketry, Rethinking the Italian Neolithic 13, Mark Pearce, Ruth D Whitehouse (ed.), p. 103-130, London: Accordia Research Institute, Univeresity of London

Exkurs: Die Textilreste des Graberfeldes Zwolfaxing II [Excursus: The textile remains of the grave field Zwolfaxing II]

Karina Grömer (2015) Exkurs: Die Textilreste des Graberfeldes Zwolfaxing II [Excursus: The textile remains of the grave field Zwolfaxing II], Das Awarische Gräberfeld in Zwolfaxing, Burstyn-Kaserne [The Avarian Cemetery in Zwolfaxing, Burstyn Barracks], p. 192-207, St. Pölten: NiederOsterreich Instituts für Landeskunde [Lower Austria Institute for Geography]

Folded, layered textiles from a Bronze Age pit pyre excavated from Over Barrow 2, Cambridgeshire, England

Susanna Harris (2015) Folded, layered textiles from a Bronze Age pit pyre excavated from Over Barrow 2, Cambridgeshire, England, Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era -- NESAT XII Archaeolin, ERZSÉBET JEREM, Karina Grömer, Frances Pritchard (ed.), p. 73-82, Budapest: Archaeolingua Alapítvány

Function of textiles in the salt mines [Funktion der Textilien aus dem Bergwerk]

Karina Grömer, Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer, Hans Reschreiter (2013) Function of textiles in the salt mines [Funktion der Textilien aus dem Bergwerk], Textiles from Hallstatt: Weaving Culture in Bronze Age and Iron Age Salt Mines [Textilien aus Hallstatt: Gewebte Kultur aus dem bronze- und eisenzeitlichen Salzbergwerk], Eerzébet Jerem, Wolfgang Meid (ed.), p. 119-134, Budapest: Archaeolingua Alapítvány

Herstellungsprozesse, Arbeitsabläufe und Produktionsstrukturen im eisenzeitlichen Textilhandwerk

Karina Grömer (2012) Herstellungsprozesse, Arbeitsabläufe und Produktionsstrukturen im eisenzeitlichen Textilhandwerk, Technologieentwicklung und -transfer in der Hallstatt- und Latènezeit, Anton Kern, Julia K Koch, Ines Balzer, Janin Fries-Knoblach, Kerstin Kowarik, Christiana Later, Peter C Ramsl, Peter Trebsche, Julian Wiethold (ed.), p. 57-70, Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran. Archäologische Fachliteratur

Prähistorische Textilkunst in Mitteleuropa - Geschichte des Handwerkes und der Kleidung vor den Römern

Karina Grömer (2010) Prähistorische Textilkunst in Mitteleuropa - Geschichte des Handwerkes und der Kleidung vor den Römern, p. 480, url

Karina Grömer (2010) Prähistorische Textilkunst in Mitteleuropa - Geschichte des Handwerkes und der Kleidung vor den Römern

Summary [Zusammenfassung]

Karina Grömer, Anton Kern, Hans Reschreiter, Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer (2013) Summary [Zusammenfassung], Textiles from Hallstatt: Weaving Culture in Bronze Age and Iron Age Salt Mines [Textilien aus Hallstatt: Gewebte Kultur aus dem bronze- und eisenzeitlichen Salzbergwerk], Erzsébet Jerem (ed.), p. 193-196, Budapest: Archaeolingua Alapítvány

Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)

Carmen Alfaro Giner (2012) Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria), Paléorient 38(1), p. 41-54, doi:10.3406/paleo.2012.5457

The Joint Prehistoric Project

Robert J Braidwood, Linda S Braidwood (1992) The Joint Prehistoric Project, Oriental Institute Annual Report, p. 40-43, pdf

Tradition and Innovation in Textile Technology in Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean

Agata Ulanowska, Małgorzata Siennicka (2017) Tradition and Innovation in Textile Technology in Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean, Światowit LVI(1), p. 9-12, url

Visions of dress: Recreating bronze age clothing from the Danubian region

Karina Grömer, Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer, Lise Bender Jørgensen (2013) Visions of dress: Recreating bronze age clothing from the Danubian region, Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 11(3), p. 218-241, doi:10.2752/175183513x1379321037403

Weaving – Prehistoric

A 6,500 year old impression of a twill mat in Central Europe

Karina Grömer (2006) A 6,500 year old impression of a twill mat in Central Europe, Archaeological Textiles Review(42), p. 31-32

Creating A Protocol For Reconstructing Weaving Technologies : Early Compound Non-Silk Fabrics Found In Egypt

M. M. El-Homossani (1988) Creating A Protocol For Reconstructing Weaving Technologies : Early Compound Non-Silk Fabrics Found In Egypt, Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings, p. 26-39

Early Compound Weave Structures in Theory and Practice

M. M. El-Homossani (1988) Early Compound Weave Structures in Theory and Practice, Ars Textrina 9(July), p. 157-190, pdf

Kalkolitik Smintheion (Gülpinar) Yerlesiminde Hasircilik ve Dokumacilik(Yüksek Lisans Tezi) [Matting and Weaving in Chalcolithic Smintheion (Gülpinar) Settlement (Yüksek Lisans Tezi)]

Abdulkadir Özdemir (2010) Kalkolitik Smintheion (Gülpinar) Yerlesiminde Hasircilik ve Dokumacilik(Yüksek Lisans Tezi) [Matting and Weaving in Chalcolithic Smintheion (Gülpinar) Settlement (Yüksek Lisans Tezi)]

Perished Material - Vanished People Understanding variation in Upper Palaeolithic / Mesolithic Textile Technologies

Eva Wigforss (2014) Perished Material - Vanished People Understanding variation in Upper Palaeolithic / Mesolithic Textile Technologies, p. 42 p.

Revolutionising our understanding of Prehistoric Basketry

Maria Fitzgerald (2007) Revolutionising our understanding of Prehistoric Basketry, Seanda: The NRA Archaeology Magazine 2, p. 49-51

Sumerian and Akkadian Industries: Crafting Textiles

Rita Wright (2013) Sumerian and Akkadian Industries: Crafting Textiles, The Sumerian World, Harriet Crawford (ed.), p. 395-418, London & New York: Routledge

The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making

Karina Grömer (2016) The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making(April), doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1994.tb00985.x

Vom Spinnen und Weben, Flechten und Zwirnen: Hinweise zur neolithischen Textiltechnik an österreichischen Fundstellen

Karina Grömer (2006) Vom Spinnen und Weben, Flechten und Zwirnen: Hinweise zur neolithischen Textiltechnik an österreichischen Fundstellen, Archäologie Österreichs 17(2), p. 177-193

Link to Paléorient, 2012, vol. 38, n°1-2.

Wool: Fiber, Farming and Wool Economics

Sheep – Historical Breeds

A survey of European primitive breeds of sheep

Michael L. Ryder (1981) A survey of European primitive breeds of sheep, Annales de génétique et de sélection animale 13(4), p. 381-418, doi:10.1186/1297-9686-13-4-381

Michael L. Ryder (1981) A survey of European primitive breeds of sheep, Annales Génétique Sélection Animale 13(4), p. 381-418

Analysis of genetic variability within and among Italian sheep breeds reveals population stratification and suggests the presence of a phylogeographic gradient

Elena Ciani, Roberta Ciampolini, Mariasilvia D'Andrea, Elisabetta Castellana, Francesca Cecchi, Caterina Incoronato, Francesca D'Angelo, Marzia Albenzio, Fabio Pilla, Donato Matassino, Dario Cianci (2013) Analysis of genetic variability within and among Italian sheep breeds reveals population stratification and suggests the presence of a phylogeographic gradient, Small Ruminant Research 112(1-3), p. 21-27, Elsevier B.V., url, doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2012.12.013

Approaching sheep herds origins and the emergence of the wool economy in continental Europe during the Bronze Age

University of Gothenburg) Sabatini, Serena (Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg) Bergerbrant, S. (Department of Historical Studies, Aarhus University) Brandt, L. Ø. (Centre for Urban Network Evolutions, Armenia) Margaryan, A. (Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen; Institute of Molecular Biology, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, University of Copenhagen) Allentoft, M. E. (Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, Department of Biology (2019) Approaching sheep herds origins and the emergence of the wool economy in continental Europe during the Bronze Age, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(9), p. 4909-4925, url

British medieval sheep and their wool types

Michael L. Ryder (1984) British medieval sheep and their wool types, Agricultural History Review 32(1), p. 19-22

Characteristics of some less-common breeds of sheep in Southern Europe : a preliminary survey

C. H. Brooke, M. L. Ryder (1977) Characteristics of some less-common breeds of sheep in Southern Europe : a preliminary survey, Annales de génétique et de sélection animale 9(2, September 1974), doi:

Comparison of four European endangered red sheep based on fleece characteristics

P.-M. Parés, R. Perezgrovas, J. Jordana (2011) Comparison of four European endangered red sheep based on fleece characteristics, Animal Genetic Resources/Ressources génétiques animales/Recursos genéticos animales 48, p. 85-91, url, doi:10.1017/S2078633610001232

Development of composite sheep breeds in the world: A review

DP Rasali, JNB Shrestha, GH Crow (2006) Development of composite sheep breeds in the world: A review, Canadian journal of animal science 86(1), p. 1–24, url

Dressing Central European prehistory-the sheep's contribution An interdisciplinary study about archaeological textile finds and archaeozoology

Karina Grömer, Konstantina Saliari, For Erich Pucher (2018) Dressing Central European prehistory-the sheep's contribution An interdisciplinary study about archaeological textile finds and archaeozoology, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Serie A 120, p. 127-156

Karina Grömer, Konstantina Saliari, For Erich Pucher (2018) Dressing Central European prehistory-the sheep's contribution An interdisciplinary study about archaeological textile finds and archaeozoology, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Serie A 120, p. 127-156

Genetic structure of European sheep breeds

L. J. Lawson Handley, K. Byrne, F. Santucci, S. Townsend, M. Taylor, M. W. Bruford, G. M. Hewitt (2007) Genetic structure of European sheep breeds, Heredity 99(6), p. 620-631, doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6801039

Medieval sheep and wool types ( Britain).

Michael L. Ryder (1984) Medieval sheep and wool types ( Britain)., Agricultural History Review 32(1), p. 14-28, pdf

North European short-tailed breeds of sheep: A review

Ó R. Dýrmundsson, R. Ninikowski (2010) North European short-tailed breeds of sheep: A review, Animal 4(8), p. 1275-1282, doi:10.1017/S175173110999156X

Performance and utilization of Northern European short-tailed breeds of sheep and their crosses in North America: A review

D. L. Thomas (2010) Performance and utilization of Northern European short-tailed breeds of sheep and their crosses in North America: A review, Animal 4(8), p. 1283-1296, url, doi:10.1017/S1751731110000856

Revealing the History of Sheep Domestication Using Retrovirus Integrations

Bernardo Chessa, Filipe Pereira, Frederick Arnaud, Antonio Amorim, Félix Goyache, Ingrid Mainland, Rowland R. Kao, Josephine M. Pemberton, Dario Beraldi, Michael J. Stear, Alberto Alberti, Marco Pittau, Leopoldo Iannuzzi, Mohammad H. Banabazi, Rudovick R. Kazwala, Ya-ping Ping Zhang, Juan J. Arranz, Bahy A. Ali, Zhiliang Wang, Metehan Uzun, Michel M. Dione, Ingrid Olsaker, Lars Erik Holm, Urmas Saarma, Sohail Ahmad, Nurbiy Marzanov, Emma Eythorsdottir, Martin J. Holland, Ajmone Marsan Paolo, Michael W. Bruford, Juha Kantanen, Thomas E. Spencer, Massimo Palmarini (2009) Revealing the History of Sheep Domestication Using Retrovirus Integrations, Science 324(April), p. 532-536, doi:10.1126/science.1170587

Sheep wool in Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe

Antoinette Rast-Eicher, Lise Bender Jørgensen (2013) Sheep wool in Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2), p. 1224-1241, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2012.09.030

Statistics of Sheep in Medieval England

Reginald Lennard (1959) Statistics of Sheep in Medieval England, Agricultural History Review 7(2), p. 75-81, pdf

The History of Sheep Breeds in Britain

Michael L. Ryder (1964) The History of Sheep Breeds in Britain, Agricultural History Review 12(2), p. 65-82, url, doi:10.1016/0305-7488(83)90221-9

The Sheep from the Shelter of the Barranco de Cerro Mortero Climbers (Alacon-Teruel) and the Primitive Evolution of the Ovine Species in Spain [La Oveja del Abrigo de Los Trepadores del Barranco Mortero (Alacon-Teruel) y la Primitiva Evolucion de la Espec

I. Sierra Alfranca (1992) The Sheep from the Shelter of the Barranco de Cerro Mortero Climbers (Alacon-Teruel) and the Primitive Evolution of the Ovine Species in Spain [La Oveja del Abrigo de Los Trepadores del Barranco Mortero (Alacon-Teruel) y la Primitiva Evolucion de la Espec, Archivos de Zootecnia 41, p. 315-324, doi:10.1109/83.506761

The biometry of prehistoric Alpine sheep: exploring four millennia of human-sheep interaction by means of osteometry

Simon Trixl (2022) The biometry of prehistoric Alpine sheep: exploring four millennia of human-sheep interaction by means of osteometry, Anthropozoologica 57(4), p. 117-139, url, doi:10.5252/anthropozoologica2022v57a4

The spatial relationships between skin follicles during their development in sheep

J. H. Claxton (1963) The spatial relationships between skin follicles during their development in sheep, Australian Journal of Biological Science 16, p. 695-708

Wool – Fiber

A question of scale: Material in cave ash from Arene Candide, Italy, was not textile || Wool fibres in cloth remains throw light on fleece evolution [2 Short Contributions]

Michael L. Ryder (1992) A question of scale: Material in cave ash from Arene Candide, Italy, was not textile || Wool fibres in cloth remains throw light on fleece evolution [2 Short Contributions], Circaea, The Journal of the Association for Environmental Archaeology 9(1), p. 5-7 || 7-9

Bronze Age wool: provenance and dye investigations of Danish textiles

Karin Margarita Frei, Ulla Mannering, Ina Vanden Berghe, Kristian Kristiansen (2017) Bronze Age wool: provenance and dye investigations of Danish textiles, Antiquity 91(357), p. 640-654, pdf, doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.64

Dressing Central European prehistory-the sheep's contribution An interdisciplinary study about archaeological textile finds and archaeozoology

Karina Grömer, Konstantina Saliari, For Erich Pucher (2018) Dressing Central European prehistory-the sheep's contribution An interdisciplinary study about archaeological textile finds and archaeozoology, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Serie A 120, p. 127-156

Fascinating Fullonum

Michael L. Ryder (1994) Fascinating Fullonum, Circaea, The Journal of the Association for Environmental Archaeology 11(1), p. 23-31

Fibre analysis of Late Iron Age, Early Medieval and modern Finnish wools

Krista Vajanto (2013) Fibre analysis of Late Iron Age, Early Medieval and modern Finnish wools, Fennoscandia Archaeologica 30, p. 81-94

Fleece Evolution in Domestic Sheep

Michael L. Ryder (1964) Fleece Evolution in Domestic Sheep, Nature 204, p. 555-559

From textiles to sheep: Investigating wool fibre development in pre-Roman Italy using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Margarita Gleba (2012) From textiles to sheep: Investigating wool fibre development in pre-Roman Italy using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Journal of Archaeological Science 39(12), p. 3643-3661, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2012.06.021

Sheep wool in Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe

Antoinette Rast-Eicher, Lise Bender Jørgensen (2013) Sheep wool in Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2), p. 1224-1241, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2012.09.030

The Evolution of the Fleece

Michael L. Ryder (1987) The Evolution of the Fleece, Scientific American 256, p. 112-119

The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe

Cornelia Becker, Norbert Benecke, Ana Grabundžija, Hans-Christian Küchelmann, Susan Pollock, Wolfram Schier, Chiara Schoch, Ingo Schrakamp, Britta Schütt, Martin Schumacher (2016) The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe, eTopoi : Journal for Ancient Studies 6, p. 102-151, url

Untangling Wool: Fibre preparation for woollen threads in Dutch Early Bronze Age to Middle Iron Age

Jasmijn (Brechtje Chloë Margje) Nobelen (2016) Untangling Wool: Fibre preparation for woollen threads in Dutch Early Bronze Age to Middle Iron Age, p. 112 pp.

Farming & Animal Husbandry

Accounts of a Sheep and Corn Farm, 1558-60

Michael Zell (1979) Accounts of a Sheep and Corn Farm, 1558-60, Agricultural History Review 27(2), p. 122-128, pdf

Primitive Andalusian Livestock and Their Implications in the Discovery of America

A. Rodero, J.V. Delgado, E. Rodero (1992) Primitive Andalusian Livestock and Their Implications in the Discovery of America, Archivos de Zootecnia 41, p. 383-400

Sheepcotes: Evidence for Medieval Sheepfarming

Christopher Dyer (1995) Sheepcotes: Evidence for Medieval Sheepfarming, Medieval Archaeology 39(-), p. 136-164

Skene of Hallyard's Manuscript Of Husbandrie

Alexander Fenton (1963) Skene of Hallyard's Manuscript Of Husbandrie, Agricultural History Review 11(2), p. 65-81

The Book of Husbandry

Anthony FitzHerbert (1882) The Book of Husbandry, Walter W. Skeat (ed.), London: The English Dialect Society

The distribution of 2- and 3-field systems in south Cambridgeshire before about 1350

Susan Oosthuizen (2010) The distribution of 2- and 3-field systems in south Cambridgeshire before about 1350, Medieval Settlement Research 25, p. 21-31

The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England

David Stone (2003) The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England, Agricultural History Review 51(2), p. 1-22, pdf

The technology of medieval sheep farming: Some evidence from Crawley, Hampshire, 1208-1349

Mark Page (2003) The technology of medieval sheep farming: Some evidence from Crawley, Hampshire, 1208-1349, Agricultural History Review 51(2), p. 137-154, pdf

Wool – Economic Aspects

2/2 Herringbone twill fabrics in Early Medieval Poland: Imports or local production?

Maria Cybulska, Jerzy Maik (2014) 2/2 Herringbone twill fabrics in Early Medieval Poland: Imports or local production?, A stitch in time : essays in honour of Lise Bender Jørgensen(no 4), Sophie Bergerbrant, Sølvi Helene Fossøy (ed.), p. 317-329, Gothenburg: GOTARC Series A. Gothenburg Archaeological Studies

Accounts of a Sheep and Corn Farm, 1558-60

Michael Zell (1979) Accounts of a Sheep and Corn Farm, 1558-60, Agricultural History Review 27(2), p. 122-128, pdf

Cistercian Sheep, Farming and Wool-Sales in the Thirteenth Century

R. A. Donkin (1957) Cistercian Sheep, Farming and Wool-Sales in the Thirteenth Century, Agricultural History Review 6(1), p. 2-8

Early Proto-industrialization in the Low Countries? The Importance and Nature of Market-oriented Non-agricultural Activities on the Countryside in Flanders and Holland, c. 1250- 1570

Bas (B.J.P.) van Bavel (2003) Early Proto-industrialization in the Low Countries? The Importance and Nature of Market-oriented Non-agricultural Activities on the Countryside in Flanders and Holland, c. 1250- 1570, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 81(4), p. 1109-1165, url, doi:10.3406/rbph.2003.4777

Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England

Gary Richardson (2004) Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England, Explorations in Economic History 41(1), p. 1-25, doi:10.1016/S0014-4983(03)00045-7

Interest rates and efficiency in medieval wool forward contracts

Adrian R. Bell, Chris Brooks, Paul Dryburgh (2007) Interest rates and efficiency in medieval wool forward contracts, Journal of Banking and Finance 31(2), p. 361-380, doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2006.04.006

Medieval Sheep-Corn Farming: How Much Grain Yield Could Each Sheep Support ?

Edward I. Newman (2014) Medieval Sheep-Corn Farming: How Much Grain Yield Could Each Sheep Support ?, Agricultural History Review 50(2), p. 164-180, pdf

Production and Consumption : Textile Economy and Urbanisation in Mediterranean Europe 1000 – 500 BCE ( PROCON )

Margarita Gleba, Susanna Harris, Joanne Cutler (2015) Production and Consumption : Textile Economy and Urbanisation in Mediterranean Europe 1000 – 500 BCE ( PROCON ), Archaeology International 16(October), p. 54-58, doi:DOI: http://

Spanish merino wools and the nouvelles draperies: An industrial transformation in the late medieval Low Countries

John Munro (2005) Spanish merino wools and the nouvelles draperies: An industrial transformation in the late medieval Low Countries, Economic History Review 58(3), p. 431-484, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0289.2005.00310.x

Statistics of Sheep in Medieval England

Reginald Lennard (1959) Statistics of Sheep in Medieval England, Agricultural History Review 7(2), p. 75-81, pdf

The Poll Tax and Census of Sheep, 1549

M. W. Beresford (1954) The Poll Tax and Census of Sheep, 1549, Agricultural History Review 2, p. 15-29

The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe

Cornelia Becker, Norbert Benecke, Ana Grabundˇzija, HansChristian Küchelmann, Susan Pollock, Wolfram Schier, Chiara Schoch, Ingo Schrakamp, Britta Schütt, Martin Schumacher (2016) The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies 6(0), p. 102-151, pdf

The distribution of 2- and 3-field systems in south Cambridgeshire before about 1350

Susan Oosthuizen (2010) The distribution of 2- and 3-field systems in south Cambridgeshire before about 1350, Medieval Settlement Research 25, p. 21-31

The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England

David Stone (2003) The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England, Agricultural History Review 51(2), p. 1-22, pdf

The structure of the market for wool in early medieval Lincolnshire

Rosamond Faith (2012) The structure of the market for wool in early medieval Lincolnshire, Economic History Review 65(2), p. 674-700

The symbiosis of towns and textiles: Urban institutions and the changing fortunes of cloth manufacturing in the low countries and England, 1270-1570

John Munro (1999) The symbiosis of towns and textiles: Urban institutions and the changing fortunes of cloth manufacturing in the low countries and England, 1270-1570, Journal of Early Modern History 3(1), p. 1-74, doi:10.1163/157006599X00071

The wool trade in English medieval history

Eileen Power (1941) The wool trade in English medieval history, History of Economic Thought Books

Wheat and Wool in the Dogana of Foggia. An Equilibrium Model for Early Modern European Economic History

John A Marino (1988) Wheat and Wool in the Dogana of Foggia. An Equilibrium Model for Early Modern European Economic History, Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes 100, p. 871-892, url, doi:10.3406/mefr.1988.2993

Wool and Wool-Based Textiles in the West European Economy, c.800 - 1500: Innovations and Traditions in Textile Products, Technology, and Industrial Organisation

John Munro (2001) Wool and Wool-Based Textiles in the West European Economy, c.800 - 1500: Innovations and Traditions in Textile Products, Technology, and Industrial Organisation, p. 1-62

English Medieval Wool Trade

Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England

Gary Richardson (2004) Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England, Explorations in Economic History 41(1), p. 1-25, doi:10.1016/S0014-4983(03)00045-7

The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England

David Stone (2003) The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England, Agricultural History Review 51(2), p. 1-22, pdf

The wool trade in English medieval history

Eileen Power (1941) The wool trade in English medieval history, History of Economic Thought Books

Regional History

Scandinavian History

Apgerbs Latvija

Anna Zarina (1999) Apgerbs Latvija, p. 159 pp., Riga: Zinatne

Cultural adaptation, compounding vulnerabilities and conjunctures in Norse Greenland

A. J. Dugmore, T. H. McGovern, O. Vesteinsson, J. Arneborg, R. Streeter, C. Keller (2012) Cultural adaptation, compounding vulnerabilities and conjunctures in Norse Greenland, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(10), p. 3658-3663, url, doi:10.1073/pnas.1115292109

Kaupang in Skiringssal.

D Skre (2007) Kaupang in Skiringssal., Norske Oldfunn XXII 1, p. 502

The Mästermyr Find: A Viking Age Tool Chest from Gotland

Greta Arwidsson, Gösta Berg (1999) The Mästermyr Find: A Viking Age Tool Chest from Gotland, p. 57 pp. + 32 pl., Lompoc, CA: Larson Publishing Company

Medieval Ireland

Archaeology of Industrial Activity on Secular Sites in Early Medieval Ireland, AD 400-1100

Thomas Kerr, Maureen Doyle, Matt Seaver, Finbar McCormick, Aidan O'Sullivan (2012) Archaeology of Industrial Activity on Secular Sites in Early Medieval Ireland, AD 400-1100, p. iv + 196 pp.

Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland, AD400-1100. Vol. 1: Text

Aidan O'Sullivan, Finbar Mccormick, Lorcan Harney, Jonathan Kinsella, Thomas Kerr (2009) Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland, AD400-1100. Vol. 1: Text 1, p. 1-189

Insular Dress in Early Medieval Ireland

Maria Fitzgerald (1997) Insular Dress in Early Medieval Ireland, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79(3), p. 251-262, url

Medieval Ireland: an encyclopedia

associate editors Duffy, Seán, editor; MacShamhráin, Ailbhe, Moynes, James (ed.) (2005) Medieval Ireland: an encyclopedia, p. xxxi + 546 pp., New York, NY: Routledge, doi:10.5860/choice.42-5009

New insights into late Holocene farming and woodland dynamics in western Ireland with particular reference to the early medieval horizontal watermill at Kilbegly, Co. Roscommon

Anette Overland, Michael O'Connell (2011) New insights into late Holocene farming and woodland dynamics in western Ireland with particular reference to the early medieval horizontal watermill at Kilbegly, Co. Roscommon, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 163(3-4), p. 205-226, Elsevier B.V., url, doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2010.10.008

Textile Production in Prehistoric and Early Medieval Ireland: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Manchester Metropolitan University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Maria Amelia Fitzgerald (2000) Textile Production in Prehistoric and Early Medieval Ireland: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Manchester Metropolitan University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy I, p. 1-184

Archaeology of York Publications

Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Anglo-Scandinavian York

A. J. Mainman, N. S. H. Rogers (2000) Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Anglo-Scandinavian York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(14), p. 2451-2672, Published for York Archaeological Trust by the Council for British Archaeology

Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Medieval York

Patrick Ottaway, Nicola Rogers (2002) Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Finds from Medieval York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(15), p. 2728, pdf

Textile Production at 16 – 22 Coppergate The Archaeology of York

Penelope. Walton Rogers (1997) Textile Production at 16 – 22 Coppergate The Archaeology of York, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(11), p. AY17-11 correct p.1771.pdf, Published for the York Archaeological Trust by Council for British Archaeology

Textiles, cordage and raw fibre from 16-22 Coppergate

Penelope Walton (1989) Textiles, cordage and raw fibre from 16-22 Coppergate, Archaeology of York - The Small Finds 17(5), p. 283-454

Miscellaneous Medieval Interests

Calligraphy & Illumination

Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta

Lee T. Hendrix, Thea Vignau-Wilberg (1992) Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta, p. 424, pdf

Colour: Medieval & Modern Views

A three-dimensional color space from the 13th century

Hannah E. Smithson, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Giles E. M. Gasper, Mike Huxtable, Tom C. B. McLeish, Cecilia Panti (2012) A three-dimensional color space from the 13th century, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29(2), p. A346, url, doi:10.1364/JOSAA.29.00A346

Colour Perception, Dyestuffs, and Colour Terms in Twelfth-Century French Literature

Florin Curta (2004) Colour Perception, Dyestuffs, and Colour Terms in Twelfth-Century French Literature, Medium Aevum 73(1), p. 43-65, doi:DOI:10.2307/ 43630698

Colour as a semiotic mode: notes for a grammar of colour

Gunther Kress, Theo van Leewen (2002) Colour as a semiotic mode: notes for a grammar of colour, Visual Communication 1(3), p. 343–368, doi:10.14851/jcsir.2008.0.143.0

Colour, Seeing, and Seeing Colour in Medieval Literature

M. J. Huxtable (2008) Colour, Seeing, and Seeing Colour in Medieval Literature, p. 363, url, doi:10.1080/1331677X.2014.947132

Greek Color Theory and the Four Elements : A Cosmological Interpretation

J L Benson (2000) Greek Color Theory and the Four Elements : A Cosmological Interpretation, url

Harmonious colors: from alchemy to science

Giordano B. Beretta, Nathan M. Moroney (2012) Harmonious colors: from alchemy to science, Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications 8292, p. 82920I, url, doi:10.1117/12.915839

Objects of Sense Perception in Late Medieval Erfurtian Nominalism

Pekka Kärkkäinen (2008) Objects of Sense Perception in Late Medieval Erfurtian Nominalism, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy(March), Pekka Kärkkäinen, S. Knuuttila (ed.), p. 1-13, Springer

Organic dyes in illuminated manuscripts: A unique cultural and historic record

Maria João Melo, Paula Nabais, Maria Guimarães, Rita Araújo, Rita Castro, Maria Conceição Oliveira, Isabella Whitworth (2016) Organic dyes in illuminated manuscripts: A unique cultural and historic record, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, doi:10.1098/rsta.2016.0050

The Colors of the Rainbow in Snorri’s Edda

Kirsten Wolf (2007) The Colors of the Rainbow in Snorri’s Edda, Maal og Minne 1, p. 51-62

Unconstrained web-based color naming experiment

Nathan Moroney (2003) Unconstrained web-based color naming experiment, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series 5008, p. 36-46, url, doi:10.1117/12.472013

Weaving the Rainbow: Visions of Color in World History

Robert Finlay (2007) Weaving the Rainbow: Visions of Color in World History, Journal of World History 18(4), p. 383-431, url, doi:10.1353/jwh.2008.0001

‘í litklæðum’ – Coloured Clothes in Medieval Scandinavian Literature and Archaeology

Thor Ewing (2006) ‘í litklæðum’ – Coloured Clothes in Medieval Scandinavian Literature and Archaeology, p. 1-8

Historical Games & Gaming

6th century ivory game pieces from Mosonszentjános

István Koncz, Zsuzsanna Tóth (2016) 6th century ivory game pieces from Mosonszentjános, Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae 3(4), p. 161-178, url, doi:DOI: 10.17204/dissarch.2016.161

Board Games in Boat Burials: Play in the Performance of Migration and Viking Age Mortuary Practice

Mark A Hall (2016) Board Games in Boat Burials: Play in the Performance of Migration and Viking Age Mortuary Practice, European Journal of Archaeology 19(3), p. 439-455, url, doi:10.1080/14619571.2016.1175774

Sporting and recreational activities of students in the medieval universities

Steven J. Overman (1999) Sporting and recreational activities of students in the medieval universities, Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education 1(6), p. 25-33, pdf

The Lewis Hoard of Gaming Pieces: A Re-examination of their Context, Meanings, Discovery and Manufacture

David H Caldwell, Mark A Hall, Caroline M Wilkinson (2009) The Lewis Hoard of Gaming Pieces: A Re-examination of their Context, Meanings, Discovery and Manufacture, Medieval Archaeology 53(1), p. 155-203, url, doi:10.1179/007660909X12457506806243

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